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Moving in the Midst of a Global Pandemic: Why? How?

There is no doubt that Coronavirus/COVID-19 has changed our world and lives in ways that we never could have imagined. Work and school classes have been moved to online formats, Zoom meetings take over our living rooms, and our wifi routers have never been so exhausted. Masks are the newest accessory, temperature checks are at every entrance, and six feet of distance is the closest anyone will get to one another. Our shoulders and backs are constantly sore, our posture sucks (sorry to call you out, but mine does too), and our social interactions are limited to the bubble that we have quarantined with. Mental health cases are on the rise and the need for therapists are at an all time high. We are learning to adjust to a new "normal" that feels uncomfortable and foreign, but at least we're in it together (right?!)

So, Julia, WHY would you decide to move across the world in the midst of all of that?! Because, my dear loved ones, nothing could get in the way of following my heart. Recently I learned that manifesting something you really realllllly want only comes to fruition if you want it with your whole mind, body, and soul. So here I am. Listening to my mind, body, and soul; on the journey of a lifetime in the place where I can unapologetically be myself. Damn that feels good.

(For more on this topic, check out my So, Why Israel? post)

These first two weeks living in ישראל/Israel in בידוד/bidud (quarantine) isn't exactly how I envisioned the beginning of my journey abroad. I pictured something more like that classic movie scene of the boyfriend meeting his girlfriend at the airport as she lands and her running into his arms with *slow motion romantic music* playing... buuuuut, a two week בידוד/bidud (quarantine) isn't the worst thing in the world and can serve as a lovely purgatory period where I can adjust to jet lag, get my bearings, work on עברית/ivrit (Hebrew), and get to know some of the amazing people that I'll be spending the next year with! I am, however, very excited to see Daniel and have that movie moment (because, duh).

I, along with 37 others, moved to ישראל/Israel via the Destination Israel Educational Tourism company. They support people like us through all steps of moving to ישראל/Israel; the application, acceptance, and travel, attaining a B2 work visa and finding a job. I will be receiving my work visa next week and will hopefully get confirmation of where I am working then as well! In the next nine months, my goals are to (1) begin comfortably speaking עברית/ivrit (Hebrew) (2) begin working with my future fellow staff on projects that excite me (3) learn more about myself and my Jewish identity (4) challenge myself in as many ways as possible and (5) document as much as I can to share the amazing experience I am having with all of you!

Even though I am viewing the world from the patio of a 13th floor apartment for the next 11 days, I am so happy to be able to observe the culture and atmosphere of Tel Aviv until my feet can be back on the ground. A bird's eye view is not one many people experience unless you are in a high-rise building or airplane, so I am really trying my best to notice as many things as possible from the 13th floor. I've seen families pray over their dinner table, kids playing with their toys, birds making their nests, and construction quickly forming a large building across the courtyard. Throughout the past six months of COVID-19 craziness, I have looked out the window awaiting the day that Tel Aviv would be my view. Now here I am, with Tel Aviv as my view and I have to keep pinching myself to make sure this is real. Last night my flatmates and I were talking about the first things we want to do once we are out of quarantine, and we are all in agreement that feeling the Tel Aviv beach sand on our toes is our first stop!

What questions do you have about my international move? About quarantine in ישראל/Israel? About me? Comment on this post or leave me a message on the Contact page and I will answer to the best of my ability!

XO, Jules

Flatmates (left to right) - Jai, Julia, Ellie, Ari BZ, Ari P


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